Biological features of Cattle
The most characteristic feature of biological cattle - the ability of cows to give milk (laktsiravats) for a long time. Lifespan cows on average 18-20 years, but they should be used only until the age of 10. After 7-8 lactation milk yield and fertility of cows is reduced, but there are exceptions.
Puberty in bulls and heifers occurs in 6 to 9 months of age, but physical maturity until the animal has not yet been reached and practice heifers asemyanyayuts first 1.5 years of age at 350-380 kg live weight. Tselnasts at an earlier age with low body weight can delay the growth and development of the animal, lead to the birth of a weak calf and cause low milk production. Most fruitful insemination of cows and heifers only during hunting, which comes and repeats some time after birth in cows and after puberty in heifers and 18-20 hour stretches. (Sometimes, 6-48 h). Cows come in hunting usually day 21 (range 18-25 days) after birth. Visually, it is possible to determine the behavior of the animal and the appearance of her genitals. Identify cows (heifers), who came to hunt, spend at least three times a day: in the morning and in the afternoon during a walk in the evening or during milking and care of animals. Asemyanyayuts cows before milking first hunt after birth twice after heat detection and 10-12 hours if it is available. After insemination of cows and heifers should be kept in a stall in the disappearance of desire. Cows do not come to hunt 45 days after delivery is required to show the vet.
Tselnasts cows lasts an average of 285 days. Deviation in either direction (within 260-312 days) depends on the feeding and care, precocity, fetal sex, the individual properties of the animal, and other causes.
Cow is rarely more than one calf. His live weight of 25-40 kg (gobies usually weigh 1-2 kg more heifers). Growth and development of the animal lasts up to 5 years. The adult cattle 32 teeth on terms of their shape changes and erase determine its age. The normal temperature of 38,6 ° C, the pulse of 50-60 beats per minute.
In cattle, the four- stomach , well adapted to the digestion of hay, straw and other fubyh feed. The first three of the stomach (rumen, the book, the grid) have glands called peradstravnikami. The present is the fourth stomach department - rennet, mucosa are rich in iron. The bridge, which by volume is 80% of all cameras stomach to feed microorganisms, coarse fiber vegetable feed converted to affordable digestive gland substance. 3 adrygvaetstsa scar softened food into the mouth, chewed and swallowed again. This process is called gum (hence the name "ruminants"). Then feed enters the following divisions of the stomach and the intestine, where finally digested and absorbed.