Properties and Composition of lymph


Lymph consists of formed elements ( cells ) and Lymphplasma . Lymph pH is 7.41, its density is 1.14 g / cm ³.
The lymph is initially similar to the tissue fluid composed from which they formed. It contains urea , creatinine , glucose ,sodium -, potassium - phosphate - and calcium ions . There are also numerous enzymes such as diastase , catalase ,dipeptidases and lipases , as well as fibrinogen and fibrin precursors . fibrinogen and fibrin are responsible for the clottingresponsible in case of long-standing lymph. The are lymphocytes included, the supernatant liquid is Lymphserum mentioned.

The concentration of proteins ( proteins ) in the tissue fluid is about two grams per liter. In the lymphatic vessels of theintestinal tract , this concentration up to four, where the liver increase to up to six grams per liter. By mixing the average protein content of lymph is three to five grams per liter. After a high-fat meal, the concentration may lipids in the lymph of one to two percent. Fat-rich lymph looks milky and is called chyle ( Greek χυλός chýlos , juice ',  echoing chyme , the chyme) refers.
Bacteria can with the lymph of outbreaks are trafficked to the lymph nodes where they of lymphocytes are detected and destroyed.
Properties and Composition of lymph 4.5 5 Unknown Lymph consists of formed elements ( cells ) and Lymphplasma . Lymph pH is 7.41, its density is 1.14 g / cm ³. The lymph is initially simila...

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